Whilst looking at the revision guides and biteseize website i was also going a bit of other internet research on the side so was acquiring little snippets of information here and there. I was feeling like i had bits of information and words all over the place at this point which was causing confusing and making me feel like i wasn't even really learning anything.

I made a decision to create a mind map  pulling together all the areas of mechanical systems i had come across. Seeing everything in one place was really helpful  to  get a clear look at what i had acquired in knowledge  highlight some keywords words to prompt further research. it was also good se if ive actually moved forward from my initial thoughts i put down in my first post.

after doing this i had a much clearer picture of where i am and  was also helpful to group things into key area's and see what  linked together in the area of mechanical systems. 
However i feel like im just skimming over the surface of everything and need to start delving into some of these areas im pulling out. 

Click to enlarge
There are a lot of good online mind mapping tools such as the one i used above Bubble.us.   Ive always in the past scribbled down my mind maps on paper which end up lost and never really being used properly. However doing it online not only looks neater but can be stored more effectively.